
Welcome to TEAMSTERS Local 911

At Teamsters Local 911, we stand up for our members. We fight to protect their working conditions. We fight for better wages, benefits, and pensions. Teamsters Local 911 is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and has been serving the public and private sector for over 49 years. 


Teamsters Local 911 holds a monthly membership meeting at our office in Bellflower on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. 

What we do

We specialize in aggressive contract negotiations and assertive political participation. With over 8,500 members strong and growing, Teamsters Local 911 is unsurpassed in worker representation.
Being a Teamster member means that you belong to the strongest and most democratic labor union in the world.


Member Benefits

As a Teamster, you have access to a wide variety of valuable benefits, including consumer discounts, insurance programs, scholarships, training programs and more.

Members Discounts

Members Discounts

Teamsters Scholarships

Teamsters Scholarships

Privilege Credit Card

Privilege Credit Card

Privilege Health Discount

Privilege Health Discount

Organize Today!

If you work for an employer whose workers are not part of a union and you want to help to build a union in your workplace, fill out our questionnaire.

Teamsters Scholarships

Teamster Scholarships

Each year, the Teamsters offer a number of financial awards for children of active Teamsters Union members. Here are the scholarships still accepting applications for this 2021.

What’s new at Local 911

Explore Teamsters Local 911